The founder of Telegram, Pavel Durov, has disclosed a proposal for NFT-like smart contracts that allow individuals to easily auction unique and highly sought-after usernames.
Durov mentioned his proposal in his personal Telegram channel, exploring his concept of a marketplace for valuable usernames. To buttress the potential success of his proposal, he noted that a Layer 1 blockchain platform, TON, had achieved success when they conducted their auctions. The Telegram founder was impressed that “Wallet.ton was sold for 215,250 Toncoin (~$260000) while casino.ton was sold for ~$244000.”
Through his personal Telegram group, “Durov’s Channel,” Durov disclosed that he believed that if the encrypted messaging app, Telegram, organized an auction, they would excel.
“Imagine how successful Telegram with its 700 million users could be if we auctioned reserved @ usernames, group, and channel links.”
He went further to highlight the potential value model of the marketplace.
“This would create a new platform where username holders could transfer them to interested parties in protected deals – with ownership secured on the blockchain via NFT-like smart-contracts.”
Durov has disclosed that his team may develop their proposed marketplace on TON.
“Our team can write bullet-proof smart contracts for TON (since it was us who invented its smart-contract language), so we are inclined to try out TON as the underlying blockchain for our future marketplace.”
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